

When you work with me one on one, you get personalised, nurturing and inspiring support to move past limiting obstacles and achieve your creative career goals.

When you work with me, you will:

  • Get clearer on what constitutes success for you in your creative field, what’s important in your life and the approach that will give you the greatest opportunity to thrive in your creative profession - creating a sense of joy, balance and stability in your life.

  • Have the opportunity to talk to someone who will listen without judgment, notice and celebrate your strengths and successes, have deep compassion for your challenges and have confidence in your capacity to overcome these.

  • Develop skills in turning around habitual negative self-talk by instead acknowledging, listening to and gaining confidence from the voice of your inner sage.

  • Have opportunities to rebuild difficult relationships by coming to new insights and taking new steps.

  • Have opportunities to experiment with new behaviours and strategies and work out which of these work best for you.

  • Receive support that helps you to stay accountable for taking the steps you commit to, notice the changes that have happened and stay connected to the motivation that enables you to build further on these changes.

  • Do all of this in a supportive holding environment which creates a feeling of safety, doesn’t shy away from the challenges but also finds opportunities for lightness, humour and fun throughout the process.

If you’re interested in one on one coaching, please book a free 20-minute discovery session or a 45-minute Try-It-Out session for $59.